Ninja Name: Narashino Seiryukutsu
Born in Tokyo in 1988. Graduated from Nihon University, College of Humanities and Sciences, with a degree in Philosophy.

From a young age, he trained in various martial arts and combat sports. After experiencing an injury, he began to question the sports-oriented approach to training and pursued the study of Eastern body theories during his university years.

In 2009, he joined a ninja organization that incorporates the promotion of traditional culture as part of its training. He has organized and led numerous ninja and samurai experience tours, shows, and seminars for inbound visitors, serving as an instructor for private tours with over 1,800 participants. Known as “Ninja Narashino Seiryukutsu,” he has made numerous appearances in both domestic and international media.

Currently independent, he actively engages in mountain training, martial arts practice, and participates in the International Ninja Research Association. He teaches the practical applications of traditional ninja and martial arts techniques, blending ancient wisdom with modern relevance, through lectures, events, and training sessions at dojos and schools.

Major Achievements

・Performed abroad in Sweden
・Provided ninja consultation for the film SAMURAI MARATHON
・Conducted swordsmanship training for actor Dwayne Douglas Johnson on a Japanese TV program
・Taught ninja techniques to members of the Saudi Arabian royal family during their visit to Japan
・Led a ninja experience for Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella of Monaco during their visit to Japan
・Organizes ninja training classes, study groups on ninja texts, and martial arts practice sessions in Tokyo


・Master Ninja at the Japan Ninja Council NINDO https://nin-do.jp/en/
・Member of the International Ninja Research Association
・Technique researcher at Shoseikan, under the guidance of Yoshinori Kono
・Disciple of Yamada Dojo, practicing Sekiguchi-ryu Battojutsu
・Member of Satoyama Bugeisha
・Lecturer for the International Ninja Culture Circle at Yamanashi Gakuin University